Skyrim Script Exstender (SKSE) is a utility that's required for some of the more complex mods to work. It's also useful in that it supports tons of other games, like The Witcher 3, Fallout 4, and many more. It's easy to use and makes downloading, activating, and deactivating mods a breeze. Available from the Nexus Mods website, just like most of the mods on our list, it will handle everything for you. Replacing the Nexus Mod Manager is Vortex, a newer program for organizing your mod loadout. Again, make sure you read the pages for each of your mods: many of them require specific steps and instructions. Now that you've found some mods you'd like to try, here are the tools you can use to get them working. 253 is just the absolute theoretical upper limit.How to install Skyrim mods How to install Skyrim mods Note, of course, that any given collection of 253 mods is likely to be impossible to run together anyway for reasons of mod conflicts or of your computer simply being unable to handle them all. This leaves only 253 prefixes for other mods, before the game simply cannot load up items from the mod. The first two hex digits indicate where this thing came from, with 00 being the base game, 01 being official patches to the base game, and FF being reserved for items created by player interaction (custom potions, items dropped in-world, summoned NPC refIDs, etc).

The reason for the limit is that Skyrim (and other Bethsoft games) uses an internal code (the Form IDs) for everything added by a mod. This also does include the expansions, and any such mods downloaded through Steamworks rather than Nexus.

not mods that simply change models or textures).

esp file so they can change actual data in-game (i.e. This only counts certain types of mods, though specifically, ones that add a. The absolute upper-limit is 253 total mods.