This makes it disadvantageous to have a large empire that's half feudal and half viceregal. At any rate, alliances with infidels are extremely unlikely to form. Rulers with Nomadic or Chinese Imperial government don't care. ), Cannot give away a county or barony that is occupied, Title is not contested in a war (as the wargoal), For feudal titles, recipient "must be able to marry and produce heirs" (not. The cost of the gift is 15x the monthly income of the recipient (but never less than 15 gold total). Marriage type does not match the betrothal. Use a favor to force your liege to give you a council position of your choice. A requestee who does not share your religious group will generally refuse marriage requests. I imagine so? The recipient will get a positive opinion modifier toward you for 10 years.

Specifically, the courtier's opinion of the inviter must be 31 points higher than (half negative opinion of liege, or double positive opinion of liege). Even if the same religious group as liege. I don't think the game was meant for someone to control all three holdings and the game doesn't like putting rulers who control mosques to republic leaders. Theocracy rulers, baron-tier tribes, and baron-tier mayors don't care.